

PO Box 43
807 Barnett Ave
Encampment, WY


Lake Creek Stage Station

William Brauer built this cabin in the late 1870’s.  It was located on Lake Creek at its confluence with the North Platte River, about three miles north of Saratoga, Wyoming. It was used as a way station, or stopping point, for the Calvary from Fort Steele, Wyoming and then as a stage station on the stagecoach route from Encampment to Walcott Junction. Passengers could stay the night or just enjoy a hot meal.  The stage and freight line were in operation until the railroad finally made it to Encampment in 1908.  

At one point, 158 horses were pastured on this property and were used as stagecoach teams. One such team of horses was called “The White Six.”  There is a famous photograph of the horses in front of the Wolf Hotel in Saratoga being driven by Charles Wilcox. It hangs on the wall in the living room of this cabin.  Other artifacts of note in this building include jars of preserves and kitchen utensils and the Last Will & Testament of Charles Scribner.