

PO Box 43
807 Barnett Ave
Encampment, WY


Get Involved with and Support Grand Encampment Museum

We have various projects going on at the GEM that need continued volunteer and financial support. One of the projects may be of special interest to you – so please support Grand Encampment Museum by either volunteering, or financially supporting us.

Support A GEM Project

Call us at 307.327.5308 or email You can also donate through this website.

Here is a list of our current projects and a brief “thank you” to supporters:

Textile Preservation Project

Thanks to Wyoming Community Foundation, Colorado Wyoming Association of Museums (CWAM) and the Greenwood Fund of the Denver Foundation for support of this project through grants. With the grant funds, the GEM purchased archive grade containers to store the textiles, storage shelves, and dress forms to display more of our material culture. Thanks!

Lora Webb Nichols (LWN) Digitization Project

The goals of this project is to digitize the Lora Webb Nichols’ manuscripts (diaries, scrapbooks, letters, and literary work). Our primary goals are to: 1) digitize transcribed diaries and scrapbooks, 2) promote the LWN Collection; 3) provide the public with access to downloadable transcribed diaries via the website.

Map Project

Cataloging our maps takes time and effort! Most of the maps are available for viewing and research. Thanks to Jack Studley and the City of Cheyenne for the map cases!

S&E Caboose Restoration

Restoration is slow and steady. We are in the midst of planning the deck so the caboose restoration can occur on the interior – and so visitors can soon access the caboose.

Encampment Journeys – Oral Histories with Encampment and Riverside locals

This is an ongoing, annual project between the GEM and the Encampment 8th Grade class.



Annual Membership is $50/year. You receive 10% off on museum store items, newsletters, invites to special events, and voting privilege in the annual GEM Board election.

Lifetime Membership is $500. You receive 10% off on museum store items, newsletters, invites to special events, and voting privilege in the annual GEM Board election.

The GEM depends on our members and donors in order to sustain our mission.

Call the museum for a membership form – 307.327.5308 or email


Leave a Legacy

Do you have stories preserved at the GEM? Then please consider us in your estate planning so we can continue to preserve your history, your stories, and your memories for future generations. We archive family photographs, manuscripts, diaries, maps, letters, cards, and more. If you are interested in donating to our museum and/or library, please contact us for more information, or better yet come visit us to talk about estate planning.

We truly appreciate everyone’s support! Thank-You!!
You can easily donate to the GEM through PayPal.