

PO Box 43
807 Barnett Ave
Encampment, WY


Livery Stable

The Transportation Barn is a memorial to John Peryam.  John was an Encampment native and served on the Museum Board of Directors.  There are so many things to see in this building including:

1912 Buick – Right hand drive. The last year they were built like this was in 1912. With some love and patience, this gem still runs.

Horse-drawn Hearse – This beauty was purchased by Encampment’s first undertaker and was used by his successor W.M. Englehart until his death in 1906.  

Covered Wagon – This reproduction, which is on an original chassis, was commonly used in the 1840’s and 1850’s. 

Sheep Wagon – It was used by sheepherders as they followed their flocks in the fields.  

Also be sure to check out all the Saddles and branding irons used by local ranches/ranchers and Teddy the Stuffed (real) dog.